LISTEN: £5M Surplus @ Moray Council

New figures show the local authority was £5M in the black for the last financial year.

Published 24th Jun 2015

Moray Council made a working surplus of more than £5m in the last financial year.

The unaudited accounts revealed that an extra £5m could be added to the council’s reserves.

However, councillors agreed a one-off provision of £2.8m from reserves for special projects, including £2m towards the cost of the new Elgin High School.

The £250,000 refurbishment of the ice rink at the Moray Leisure Centre is also coming from reserves.

MFR News speaks with council convener Allan Wright...

Commenting on the final budget results for 2014-15, council convener Allan Wright said: “These are extremely encouraging figures.

"For some years now a culture of prudence has been growing throughout the council; taxpayers should be pleased to see how every manager and budget-holder is looking after the public purse."