LISTEN: 2nd Ross-shire Driver Caught Over 100mph In A Week

A 42 year old man was clocked going over 100mph in the Tain area last night.

A 2nd driver has been caught over 100 miles an hour in Ross-shire in a week.

The 42 year old man was stopped by police in Tain last night and reported for dangerous driving.

It follows a 39 year old man being clocked at 130 miles an hour on the A832.

MFR Reporter Derek Ferguson speaks to Inspector Nick MacRae about the issue of speeding on rural roads...

Local Area Inspector Nick MacRae has reiterated the message that speeding will not be tolerated.

He said: "Through regular Community Council engagement we continue to identify areas of concern and carry out speed checks in those areas, last night officers caught 7 motorists speeding, one of whom was recorded in excess of 110mph.

"This kind of driving is a danger not only to the offender but every other road user including pedestrians, which is especially important during school holidays when more children are walking and cycling on the local roads.

"Local officers will be supported by Divisional Roads policing officers to deter this type of irresponsible driving. "Many dangers exist on the road when driving in excess of the national speed limit, including road conditions, bends, hidden entrances or junctions and the links between excessive speed and collisions causing death or serious injury are clear.

"Speeding is dangerous, costly and unacceptable."