LISTEN: 1950's Dounreay Control Room Bound For Museum

The Dounreay Materials Testing Reactor panel is being donated to Caithness Horizons in Thurso.

Published 5th Dec 2014

A control room from the Dounreay nuclear plant is going on display in a museum.

The Dounreay Materials Testing Reactor facility is being moved to Caithness Horizons in Thurso.

It form part of a special exhibition there on the impact of the nuclear site on the region.

The DMTR - built in 1958 - is Scotland's first operation nuclear reactor.

It'll be the first time many will have seen the facility since it was closed in 1969.

Staff from Dounreay are now working to install the control room in its new home.

Museum curator Joanne Howdle said: "It's a really important piece of Scotland's industrial heritage.

"It look's like a 1950's tardis; there's a central control desk with lights and knobs which control the reactor itself.

"It's incredible that someone had the foresight to preserve it since it was closed down all those years ago.

"Nobody's seen it for many, many years, so it's a bit like a time capsule."

The exhibition is expected to open to the public April/May next year.

MFR Reporter Derek Ferguson speaks with museum curator Joanne Howdle...