Lib Dems to lead Holyrood debate on controversial economic report

Liberal Democrats are to force a Holyrood debate on an SNP-commissioned report into the economic prospects for an independent Scotland.

Published 13th Jun 2018

Liberal Democrats are to force a Holyrood debate on an SNP-commissioned report into the economic prospects for an independent Scotland.

First Minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon tasked Andrew Wilson, one of her party's former MSPs, with leading the work.

The Sustainable Growth Commission report, published in May, insisted that an independent Scotland could “equal the best small countries in the world''.

It made a string of recommendations, including keeping the pound as Scotland's currency after leaving the UK for a 10-year transition period, with a new currency only to be adopted after a series of key tests are met.

But the plans to reduce Scotland's deficit have led the SNP's opponents to claim the report would be a blueprint for spending cuts.

Liberal Democrats will now use their debating time in the Scottish Parliament to press SNP ministers on the issue, claiming the threat to Scotland's finances would be so great the health service would be put at risk.

Speaking ahead of the debate, Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said: “The Scottish Growth Commission is a substantial piece of work. It admits how challenging an independent Scotland's finances would be.

“This is not some flimsy report easily dismissed - it's in the words of the First Minister's own close advisers.

“The report admits an independent country would face at least a decade of pain with cuts to public services without the backup of significant oil revenues. It would have no control over its currency with an economy that was prone to greater volatility.

“The future of the NHS will be undermined by the weakness of the Scottish finances. To save the NHS we need to remain in the UK.''

SNP MSP Ivan McKee said: “This really is a pathetic boomerang attack from the Lib Dems - who themselves admit what a substantial piece of work the Sustainable Growth Commission's report is.

“They are desperately trying to make themselves look relevant - but it is clear for all to see that it is the SNP that is winning the economic argument.''

He added: “Stakeholders, experts and academics from across Scotland have praised the Sustainable Growth Commission for its approach, contrary to what Willie Rennie might believe - and as the report has outlined in recent weeks, independence can offer significant benefits to Scotland's economy, allowing us to improve growth, boost jobs and increase public spending in similar ways as other small, successful independent countries have done.

“This is something that more and more people are being convinced of, no matter what the Lib Dems say.'