Lib Dem Voters Urged To Back Tories

Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has appealed to Liberal Democrat voters to back her party in the general election. Ms Davidson said the Tories can offer a new home'' to people who previously backed her party's coalition partners. Polling indicates the Lib Dems are only supported by 5% of voters and could lose high-profile seats in May, including those held by Danny Alexander and Jo Swinson.The Lib Dems are now polling below 5% in Scotland and I know many people who voted Lib Dem in the past are now wondering how to cast their ballot,'' Ms Davidson said. I want to show people during this campaign that we can offer them a new home.'' Ms Davidson said her party supported tax cuts starting with the lowest paid, a more powerful Scottish Parliament within the United Kingdom and a stronger economy to benefit everyone. Commenting on the coalition, she added:Despite all its difficulties, our two parties have found common ground over the last five years." To people who may have voted Lib Dem in the past, I hope they'll now look to see who can best take forward that agenda of a more open, more prosperous Britain."It's either a party on the up which can deliver that vision and won't do a deal with the nationalists. Or it's a party leadership which doesn't seem to know whether to back its record in government with us or run away from it.'' The Tory leader's plea follows remarks from Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable, who suggested his party would not rule out working with both Labour and the SNP in the event of a hung parliament. Ms Davidson added: Vince Cable has suggested that the Lib Dems could even put the SNP in power as part of a chaotic coalition with Labour."That's not our plan. We'll use our strength across Britain to keep the UK together and create a more prosperous and a fairer society.'' A similar appeal was made by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as she opened a party campaign hub in East Dunbartonshire yesterday. Ms Sturgeon said trust in the Liberal Democrats had hit rock bottom'' after five years of the UK coalition government and called on disillusioned voters to back the SNP in May. She said:As the polls show the Lib Dems heading for obscurity, my message to disillusioned former Lib Dem voters is this: the SNP is here for you. After five years in government propping up the toxic Tories, all Nick Clegg and his party have to show is a trail of broken promises."On austerity, tuition fees, Trident renewal, Lords reform, and the NHS, they have backtracked and abandoned their principles. It is no wonder trust in the Lib Dems is at rock bottom." Unlike the Lib Dems, we have made clear we would never prop up a Tory Government.''

The spokeswoman added: The Tories want to cut public services to the bone."

Anyway they only have one MP in Scotland and admitted this week they were in retreat here.''