Learner drivers targeted at road safety event

An new partnership between the emergency services and the Moray Association of Professional Driving Instructors (MAPDI) is being launched in Elgin to promote road safety awareness amongst young drivers.

Published 17th Nov 2015

An new partnership between the emergency services and the Moray Association of Professional Driving Instructors (MAPDI) is being launched in Elgin to promote road safety awareness amongst young drivers.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) crews will be hosting the new road safety event on 17 November at Elgin Fire Station at 7.30pm and members of the public are being encouraged to attend.

The event, which is a partnership between SFRS, Police Scotland and MAPDI, builds on the success of the recent Safe Drive Stay Alive event, which saw pupils from across Aberdeenshire and Moray attend a hard hitting road safety show in Aberdeen.

The event on 17 November invites driving instructors, learner drivers and their parents to Elgin Fire Station where Scottish Fire and Rescue Service staff along with partners from Police Scotland can provide advice and guidance on road safety matters.

The event will see a presentation on the consequences of careless and dangerous driving followed by a practical demonstration of how emergency services deal with road traffic collision and the often tragic outcomes.

Elgin Station Manager Bruce Milne said: "One of the key aims of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in Moray is to contribute to road casualty reduction in the north east as part of a wider collaboration with Moray Council, Police Scotland, Road Safety Scotland and other key partners.

“Working in partnership with Police Scotland and the Moray Association of Professional Driving gives us an excellent opportunity to provide professional guidance and advice to learner drivers in the Moray area.”

Station Manager Milne added: "I would strongly encourage those who are learner drivers or parents of learner drivers to attend the event.”

Local Senior Officer for Aberdeenshire and Moray David Rout, who is the service representative on North East Scotland Road Casualty Reduction Group, said: “Road Casualty Reduction is a priority within Moray Local Fire and Rescue Plan and this excellent initiative aims to provide necessary support and advice to young drivers as evidence reflects single males aged between 17 – 25 are at most risk of being involved in a road traffic collision.”

Rhona Leslie of Moray Association of Professional Driving Instructors (MAPDI) said: “As driving instructors our first priority is to promote and teach road safety. We are delighted as a group to be involved with this initiative.

“The majority of our pupils fall into the 17-25 year age group and as such are at higher risk of being involved in an accident. We welcome and support any opportunity to educate drivers and improve road safety. Hopefully this is just the first of many of these events.”