Labour And SNP 'Close To Deal'

Published 18th Apr 2015

Ed Miliband and Nicola Sturgeon are at the altar, and preparing to sign the register'' on a post-election deal, according to Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson. In a letter to party supporters she described the prospect of a Labour government supported by the SNP asoutright chaos''. Ms Davidson urged voters to promote the Tories' strong economy'' message as postal votes begin to arrive at homes across the country." She said:This General Election is very real indeed. And so is the choice we face. There is the leadership and security of a Conservative government." Or there is the prospect of outright chaos with an Ed Miliband government propped up in Downing Street by the SNP."In the last few days, we've now seen hard evidence that this nightmare scenario is now all too real." Another poll of Scottish seats on Friday showed that Scottish Labour is now a sinking ship, and is losing voters to the SNP. In truth, there is no way back for them."Their weakness means that one thing has become near inevitable: if Ed Miliband is in the position to form a government on May 8th, he will need the SNP's support to push him over the line." I said at the turn of the year that Ed Miliband and Nicola Sturgeon were halfway down the aisle towards a deal."The truth is that they are now at the altar, and preparing to sign the register. It's the only way Labour can get in to power." Ed Miliband has had plenty of opportunities to show he isn't going to back the Nationalists."But also on Friday, he was asked four times whether he would rule out entering into a power-sharing pact with the SNP and he refused to do so, saying only that he will 'see what happens'. On behalf of all the people of Scotland who want to keep our UK together, I will be spelling out the consequences of this potential deal over the coming days, both for our economy and for the stability of our country.'' Ms Davidson added that a Conservative government would deliver the Smith Commission proposals on further devolution to Scotland and reiterated manifesto pledges made last week.