Kezia Dugdale Vows To Improve School Standards

Published 10th Aug 2015

Scottish Labour leadership hopeful Kezia Dugdale has outlined her ambition to raise educational attainment beyond just "satisfactory''.

Nine out of 10 schools are rated at least "satisfactory'' by inspectors, but the Lothians MSP insists this amounts to settling for "second best''.

In a speech in Edinburgh today, Ms Dugdale will outline her plan to make Scottish education "the best in the world''.

However, the Conservatives have raised concerns that her plan will involve using Scotland's new tax powers to boost teacher pay by taxing high earners, compelling them to move out of Scotland.

In a statement released in advance of her speech, Ms Dugdale said: "We know that 90% of Scotland's schools are meeting inspection criteria of 'satisfactory' or better.

"We know that 'satisfactory' means that areas of strength only just outweigh areas of weakness.

"This level of performance has not risen since 2008, the year after the current SNP Government took office.

"Are we really saying that the extent of our ambition for Scotland's schools is for them to be simply satisfactory?

"Have we really settled for second best for our young people?

"Satisfactory just isn't good enough for Scotland's schools. Not today, certainly not tomorrow and certainly not for me.

"I said I want to be able to again boast that we have the best education system in the world. Not satisfactory schools, but the best."

Scottish Conservative finance spokesman Murdo Fraser said: "It is reported that Kezia Dugdale supports increases in teacher pay by increasing taxes on high earners.

"This policy will be cheered to the rafters - by George Osborne. What does Labour think will happen if Scotland increases taxes on high earners above the rates they pay in England?

"High earners are among the most mobile in society and many will move south of the border if they are asked to pay more in Scotland than elsewhere in the UK.''

A spokesman for Education Secretary Angela Constance said: "This is yet another ill-judged and ill-timed intervention on education from Kezia Dugdale.

"In a week when young people and their families are celebrating record qualifications results and record numbers are looking forward to heading off to university, Scottish Labour wants to talk down their achievements.

"Scotland has a good education system but clearly there is more to do. We want every child in every community to have every chance of success at school and in life. We are applying a relentless focus to closing the attainment gap and already there are positive signs of progress. Kezia Dugdale's charge that there are no such signs is simply not borne out by recent evidence.''