Just who is responsible for Lossie's Briggie?

The Local Authority have passed the buck to the Community Council, but they say historically Moray Council have taken charge.

The Lossie Beach Footbridge during the popular RAF Raft Race event
Published 25th Aug 2017
Last updated 25th Aug 2017

It's an iconic part of Lossiemouth's foreshore - the local 'Briggie' or footbridge - but having last been renovated back in 1995 by Moray Council, who back then invested around ÂŁ150,000 in doing it up, more than 20 years on it's once again badly showing signs of aging.

Recently the footbridge was packed with spectators for the Lossie Raft Race, but some had noticed the dilapidated state of the crossing and reported concerns to MFR following the event.

Nevertheless, when the MFR news-team consulted the local authority, we were told it was not their problem and it came under the remit of the Lossie Community Council. It was then that we found out that ownership is causing the hold-up in something being done to renovate the footbridge, before it rusts away to dust.

Carolle Ralph is vice-chair of the Community Council and is worried that the only thing which may prompt action is a severe incident on the footbridge:

"For as long as I've been a member of the Community Council (about 12 years) we've been worried about the bridge. There are always people on the East Beach and local people have been concerned about the crossing and its deterioration in recent years - especially underneath and the handrails"

"We'd be appalled if there was an accident which might happen when someone's crossing it"

But what about the dispute? 10 years ago when Lossie Community Council asked for help in renovating the footbridge, they were told the cash-strapped Local Authority had no money for the venture.

The Community Council's argument is that it's part of the core path network around the coast and that Moray Council (going back to the beginning) instigated the bridge, and were the last ones to carry out major maintenance works.

Carolle said: "The Lossie Community Council couldn't take on fundraising, but the development trust - which was set-up around five years ago - asked what the priorities were for the area, and top of the list for funding was the bridge to be replaced or refurbished"

"We've had many discussions and realise it would be very costly for the Community Council to take on. When you're looking for money nowadays there's not the cash for projects, those funds have become smaller-and-smaller in recent years. There have been all sorts of imaginative ideas and people thinking out-of-the-box, even maybe getting the armed forces based locally to undertake some of the work"

"It's a subject which is up for debate - and until we settle ownership - we can't actually get round to replacing it. We're keen to do something and know it's an issue. We want it done sooner rather than later. We'd be appalled if there was an accident which might happen when someone's crossing it"

Lossie Community Council are eager for local people to be part of shaping their future in the town. They need people to step up and get involved in the elections of new community councils across the north. Community councils are Nomination forms can be found on the Moray Council website.