Inverness rated as one of the easiest cities in the UK to travel in

Inverness has been ranked one of the top cities in the UK to travel within.

There are calls to see the "iconic civic building" better utilised
Published 30th Jun 2016

Inverness has been ranked one of the top cities in the UK to travel within.

Researchers rated 33 cities across the UK in terms of travelling locally and also travelling from, taking into account attitudes towards public transport.

Inverness finished eighth, scoring 5.94 out of 10.

Edinburgh ranked the UK's easiest city to travel within, scoring 6.55 out of 10, with Glasgow coming fifth, scoring 6.37 out of 10.

Stirling was the best-performing Scottish city in making journeys to further afield, finishing fifth with a score of six out of 10.

York took the top spot as the easiest city to conduct a long journey from, scoring 6.21 out of 10.

Researchers for ESP Group's easy travel index found that 53% of 3,331 people quizzed in the 33 cities claimed public transport does not meet their needs.

People over the age of 60 showed a strong preference for the car, with 70% of the group choosing to drive locally and car ownership being the highest among the age group.

The easy travel index also showed clear differences between younger and older generations, with people aged 16 to 20 worrying the most when travelling.

Almost half (47%) worried about getting lost, 37% were concerned about personal safety and 36% stressed about not having the right documents.

Dr Steve Cassidy, director of future transport at ESP Group, said: "With over half of the British public of the view that public transport does not meet their needs, and some common problems needing to be addressed, there are many opportunities for cities to improve their performance.

"We will be repeating this research on an annual basis and I look forward to seeing some of those cities towards the bottom of the easy travel index improve their rankings."