Inverness murder trial set for December

71-year-old Michael Taylor accused of killing Liz MacKay in Hilton back in March.

Published 3rd Aug 2016

A pensioner is to stand trial charged with murdering a woman in her own home. Michael Taylor (71) is accused of killing Liz Mackay at the property in Inverness in March.

The allegation includes claims the 60-year-old was repeatedly punched causing her to fall and lose consciousness.

Taylor is also said to have struck Miss Mackay with “a blunt object or objects”.

Prosecutors further state the OAP removed her clothes and bit her on the chest.

Taylor faces a separate theft allegation with a claim he stole groceries, pots, cutlery and keys from the property.

Taylor today pled not guilty to the charges during a short hearing at the High Court in Glasgow.

Judge Lord Beckett set a trial due to begin in Edinburgh in December.

The case could last up to 12 days.