Inverness judo star Stephanie Inglis talks to friends for first time since Vietnam crash

Inverness judo star Stephanie Inglis has spoken to friends for the first time since her motorbike crash in Vietnam.

Published 16th Jun 2016

Inverness judo star Stephanie Inglis has spoken to friends for the first time since her motorbike crash in Vietnam.

The 27-year-old was transferred back to Scotland earlier this week and continues to be treated at Edinburgh’s Western General.

Doctors say the Glasgow 2014 medallist is now clear of all infections and doing well.

Yesterday she said hi to friends who came to see her, a month on from her accident.

An update was posted on the #SaveSteph Facebook page overnight:

“The last 48 hours have been chaotic, making sure Stephanie arrived safe on Monday, getting her settled in to hospital and then making sure the media who have helped us with this story had a small amount of time with her Parents, I'm sure you will all agree that given what they have been through Robert and Alison were outstanding yesterday, it was so good to see them and know everything we had tried to achieve had finally resulted in the Inglis Family being able to come home.

“Today I went to see Stephanie she has been exhausted since the flight and all the changes and tests she has had and we wanted to make sure her parents had enough time to be comfortable with her new environment, before going to visit her.

“The first thing we learned was that Stephanie is now breathing without any assistance, however she still has the Tracheotomy in place and although she now has a speaking attachment in place this is causing her significant distress, and we will be relieved when this can be removed.

“Stephanie has now been cleared off all her infections and the Hospital believes that she has fought and come through all of these, they are really happy with Stephanie and as soon as they can make her more comfortable they will.

“We met Robert and Alison in the visitors lounge and Alison told me Stephanie has been sleeping most of the day due to some pain killers she is on to help with her discomfort so not to expect much, as they made her drowsy.

“When we got to the room Stephanie was asleep, Alison gently awakened her and said Steph look who's here to see you, Steph partially opened her eye looked and when she saw me smiled and for the first time looked straight at me and said Hi, we were speechless I was over whelmed with the moment as was Alison, I stayed for a while and spoke to Steph about my family and funny things they had done, I played her some music Adele Hello a song that we both liked, and told her about my trips to 2 Adele concerts she listened and smiled when she could, I asked her if she remembers a Jumper from Disney she brought for Eli and she nodded I told her about Eli's operation and how he also had a plaster on right now and that in 2 weeks he wanted to run fast, and he said she had to come, she nodded yes, Eli is 4 and loves Steph because she always Brings him Disney clothes and toys.

“Oh and then when Stacey arrived I told Stephanie that Stacey had stolen her boots and if she wanted them back she was going to have to get up and get them, she actually gave Stacey and angry look as she was annoyed and clearly wants them back.

“While I was talking to Steph I realised she has all her memories intact, and she is alert to what is happening.

“But her body has been through so much the slightest thing exhausts her, but for just that magical moment when she smiled and said Hi, she looked exactly like the girl who last burst into my house to tell me about all the wonderful adventures she was planning.

“I also realised today what a long and hard road Stephanie has ahead, and as much support as she will be given every step to recover for her is painful and challenging, and keeping Stephanie's belief that she will get through this is something her family have shown they are dedicated to do, and they have to do this without showing there own fear and emotions, because Stephanie has to believe that turning this around is possible, that she can do it no matter how hard each day may seem.”