Inverness Commemorates Highland Nurse Edith Cavell

A dedication and memorial service for Nurse Edith Cavell is being held by The Highland Council and the Royal British Legion Scotland Inverness Branch at Cavell Gardens War Memorial in Inverness today to mark the centenary year of her death.

Published 12th Oct 2015

A dedication and memorial service for Nurse Edith Cavell is being held by The Highland Council and the Royal British Legion Scotland Inverness Branch at Cavell Gardens War Memorial in Inverness today to mark the centenary year of her death.

A new memorial stone will be unveiled by Provost and Leader of Inverness, Councillor Helen Carmichael at the War Memorial which is named after Nurse Edith Louise Cavell.

The memorial will state that Nurse Cavell: “….was born in Norfolk on 4 December 1865, she was appointed first matron of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Brussels in 1907. In August 1915 having been charged with assisting 130 persons to escape from Belgium she was court martialled, condemned to death and shot on 12 October 1915.”

The memorial will also include an inscription of her final words: “This I would say, standing as I do in view of God and eternity, I realise that patriotism is not enough I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.”

Provost Carmichael said: “I would like to thank the Inverness Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland for all their work and endeavours to mark the hundredth anniversary of Nurse Edith Cavell’s death. She was truly an amazing and selfless individual. Our predecessors clearly thought this by naming the Cavell Gardens War Memorial after her. I am pleased that with support from the Inverness Common Good Fund and the Royal British Legion Scotland are able to mark Nurse Cavell’s life and service accordingly in 2015.”

Joe Davidson, Chairman Royal British Legion Scotland Inverness Branch said: “We are proud to assist The Highland Council with this venture to erect a new memorial to honour Edith Cavell - a lady who helped so many injured allied soldiers and the enemy alike. She showed great courage even in the face of death.

“She hid many French and Belgian civilians as well as soldiers and helped them with a safe passage to safety. She was urged to stop by her colleagues but refused, and was arrested on the 4 August 1915 and accused of treason. Her trial, it is said, lasted about four minutes and she was condemned to death. Her bravery and courage should be an inspiration to us all.”

In Norwich Cathedral, the resting place of Edith Cavell, a memorial service is also being held on 12 October. The Dean Of Norwich Cathedral, Jane Hedges sent her best wishes to the organisers of the Inverness Edith Cavell dedication and memorial service, she said: “Here in Norwich - where Edith Cavell is buried at the East end of the Cathedral - we are delighted to hear that you will be erecting a new memorial in her honour.

“She was a remarkable woman and all that she did was inspired by her Christian faith. Her selflessness and heroism I hope will encourage us and generations to come to think about how we serve other people and the good of the world around us.