Inverness 'Bus Gate' Gives Better Access To New Campus

A new 'bus gate' in Inverness is hoped to make traveling to the campus easier for students.

Published 3rd Jul 2015

A new 'bus gate' in Inverness is hoped to make travelling to the campus easier for students.

Works began in early May on Millburn Road to build a new junction to King Duncan's road.

It's created a buses only route to the new Inverness Campus and Raigmore Estate.

Vehicles previously had to take a longer journey around the Raigmor Interchange if they wanted to reach the area.

Pat Munro Ltd and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) installed the route as part of bigger access improvements to link Inverness Campus with the city centre.

Buses are now able to drop off passengers near the pedestrian bridge to the campus.

The gate includes traffic signals and a pedestrian crossing.