Invergordon Academy pupils prepare for Rock Challenge

Ginno visited Invergordon Academy to find out more about their preparations ahead of the competition.

Published 14th Apr 2016

Thousands of young people take part in the Rock Challenge every year: in their local events, and also - if they go through - in the Scottish, Northern or Southern Grand Finals.

Ginno went to visit Invergordon Academy to find out more about their preparations ahead of the competition.

A school / college team (made up of from 20 to 100 performers, 20 stage crew and 14 support crew - smaller numbers for Primary schools) decides on a theme, reflecting the personalities, concerns, hopes, dreams and interests of those who create it. They then create the choreography for their five to eight-minute dance-drama performance, select and record the medley of music for their soundtrack, and design and make their sets and costumes.

On the designated show day, the competing schools and colleges in that region assemble for a wonderfully friendly day of interaction, rehearsals and fun. In the evening they perform to a usually sellout audience of their peers, families and community members, and their performances are judged by a panel of specialists from the performing-arts industry.

The winning team is invited to take part in a UK Southern, Northern or Scottish Grand Final.

The 2016 Rock Challenge is being held next week at Eden Court, hosted by MFR's Ginno.