Highly Critical Report For Primary School In Elgin

A Primary School in Elgin's received a highly critical report from inspectors.

Published 17th Feb 2015

A Primary School in Elgin's received a highly critical report from inspectors. A recent visit to the town's East End Primary flagged up a number of concerns- after children's writing failed to meet standards and their numerical skills fell below expectations.

Children with additional support needs were also not making enough progress. Inspectors will return to the school in a year's time to monitor their progress - but they did say the school provides a caring environment for its pupils.

The report states: "Across the primary stages, activities in English language and mathematics are not always suitably challenging or well matched to individual needs," said the report.

"Teachers need to use assessment better to plan learning experiences which build on children's existing skills. Learning plans are in place for a few children with specific learning needs, but not for all children who need them."

The inspectors found that implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence was significantly behind national timescales.

"In several curriculum areas, there are no progressive programmes of study in place. Staff have not yet planned how they will develop and assess children's skills in literacy and numeracy and health and wellbeing across the curriculum. As a result, there are gaps in children's learning."

A review carried out by Moray Council a year ago had identified seven key areas for improvement and staff had begun to discuss and action some of the issues identified. However, the school's improvement plans had not been effective in bringing about the required changes.

The inspection report said head teacher Gail McIntosh had recently taken up her post on a permanent basis and had carried out informal evaluations and had a general understanding of how the school needed to improve.

"She now urgently needs to establish effective systems for evaluating and improving the work of the school and need to focus her leadership activity on driving improvement in learning and the curriculum.

"The head teacher and staff engaged fully with the inspection process and sought and implemented our advice, making some immediate improvements. They are very keen to improve the school and would benefit from support from Moray Council to develop their knowledge and skills."

The report concluded: "As a result of our inspection findings, we think that the school needs additional support and more time to make necessary improvements. Our area lead officer will work with Moray Council to build capacity for improvement and will maintain contact to monitor progress."

The council's acting head of schools and curriculum development, Vivienne Cross, said: "Officers have already met with the head teacher to discuss the plan for improvement.

"The school will benefit from a planned programme of support, including input from Education Scotland, in order that they secure the improvements necessary."