Highlands sees launch of the world's first large-scale tidal energy farm

Hailed as a "significant moment" showing the UKs "driving innovation" in renewables

Published 12th Sep 2016

The First Minister's been in the Highlands to unveil a turbine for the MeyGen tidal stream project in the Pentland Firth at the Nigg Energy Park.

The device measures some 15 metres tall (49ft) with blades 16 metres in diameter (52ft) and weighing in at almost 200 tonnes.

The turbine will begin its journey to the project site in the waters off the north coast of Scotland between Caithness and Orkney.

It'll be the first of four to be installed underwater, each with a capacity of 1.5 megawatts (MW), in the initial phase of the project.

Developer Atlantis Resources hope that the project - which has received ÂŁ23 million in Scottish Government funding - will eventually have 269 turbines, bringing its capacity to 398 MW - enough electricity to power 175,000 homes.

Renewables UK deputy chief exec Maf Smith hailed the development, saying: "New technology like this will be powering our nation for decades to come."

As she visited the energy park, Nicola Sturgeon called on the UK Government to end the uncertainty around subsidies for similar schemes - warning that a failure to do so risks causing "irreparable damage" to the marine power industry.

The First Minister said: "I am incredibly proud of Scotland's role in leading the way in tackling climate change and investment in marine renewables is a hugely important part of this"

"MeyGen is set to invigorate the marine renewables industry in Scotland and provide vital jobs for a skilled workforce, retaining valuable offshore expertise here in Scotland that would otherwise be lost overseas"

"Highly skilled operation and maintenance jobs will also need to be carried out locally, providing strong local employment opportunity for rural areas"

"There is no doubt that the eyes of the world are on this project which is why the Scottish Government's investment is so crucially important"

"But it is absolutely vital that the UK Government honours its earlier commitment to provide a ring-fenced allocation for marine energy in its renewables support scheme"

"They must tackle the current uncertainty that exists before they cause irreparable damage to the long-term prospects for the sector"

Tim Cornelius, chief exec of Atlantis Resources, said: "Today marks a historic milestone not just for Atlantis and our project partners, but for the entire global tidal power industry"

"After 10 years of tireless work, preparation and planning by everyone associated with this project. This is the day the tidal power industry announced itself as the most exciting new asset class of renewable, sustainable generation in the UK's future energy mix"