Highland Council drives forward with introducing 20 mph project

It will be rolled out in 2023

Author: Stephanie AllisonPublished 21st Dec 2022

Progress continues to be made by The Highland Council to introduce 20 mph speed limits to over 100 sites in 2023.

Chair of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “Work is ongoing at pace to deliver this ambitious project which will benefit Highland communities.

“The scheme will improve road safety through simplifying speed limits for drivers, reducing perceptions of road danger, encouraging people to walk and wheel, and create more pleasant towns, villages and neighbourhoods by providing a more equitable environment for all road users.

“Transport Scotland have approved all 115 settlements we put forward and all details of the sites are now available on our website.”

He added: “I’d like to thank our small but very dedicated Road Safety Team for all their hard work. To do a roll out on this scale is unprecedented. I look forward to seeing work start on the ground.”

A one-stop shop for information on the project has been created and can be accessed by visiting – https://www.highland.gov.uk/20mph