Health bosses stop 'bad' meat hitting shelves in the North

Health officials have destroyed raw meat and dairy products being delivered across Highland, Moray, and Aberdeenshire.

Published 8th Jun 2016

Health officials have destroyed raw meat and dairy products being delivered across Highland, Moray, and Aberdeenshire.

MFR News understands that a Newcastle-based firm was transporting the food in a van without a freezer compartment.

It was intercepted by council inspectors in Inverness following a tip-off from police.

Senior Environmental Health Officer, Patricia Sheldon said: "This case highlights the lengths that some food business operators are prepared to go for the purposes of making money without consideration of food safety. Food business operators have a clear duty to ensure that the safety of food they handle and prepare is not compromised and this extends to how the food is supplied and delivered to them.

"The safety of the food chain and protection of public health is a key priority for the Council and the Environmental Health Service shall not hesitate to take enforcement action to ensure that appropriate food safety standards are maintained."