Half A Million Kids At Risk Ahead Of Budget Cuts

Published 4th Jul 2015

More than half a million children in Scotland are at risk from Tory cuts to tax credits.

New information released from Scottish Labour shows that over 522,000 children are in families in receipt of tax credits in Scotland.

Speaking ahead of the Budget this coming Wednesday Shadow Scotland Secretary Ian Murray said that the Tories would be trashing Scotland’s future if their plans to slash welfare targeted vital support for low income families.

Mr Murray also slammed the Tories for blocking Scottish Labour’s plans to give Holyrood the final say over welfare in Scotland, and urged the SNP Government in Edinburgh to get serious about tackling poverty.

Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland Ian Murray said:

“During the general election the Prime Minister promised the ‘good life’ for families across the UK. At the last election they promised and failed to be ‘the most family friendly Government ever’. Now his Government are ready to slash vital support for Scottish families.

“The coming Tory Budget looks set to hit working families the hardest, at the same time as the Chancellor is refusing to rule out yet another tax cut for millionaires.

“With thousands of families in Scotland struggling from week the week the absolute last people the Chancellor should target is low income families, but instead his plans to slash welfare puts nearly 300,000 families, and over half a million children, in Scotland at risk.

“Labour introduced tax credits to lift the incomes of working people and make work pay. It worked. Last week we saw shocking statistics which saw over 200,000 children in Scotland living in poverty – on what planet does slashing tax credits help those kids?

“The Labour Government substantially reduced child poverty and made significant progress towards meeting our targets on poverty. Under this Tory government, that process is in danger of going into reverse.

“The SNP Government in Edinburgh must now show the courage of their convictions and offer solutions. New powers coming to the Scottish Parliament will allow us to build a fairer nation, but there is plenty the SNP could be doing from Holyrood now.

“The SNP should think again and back Labour’s plans to extend the living wage to low paid workers on public contracts. When Labour proposed extending a pay rise to low paid workers like cleaners, carers and caterers the SNP voted with the Tories and blocked our plans. They should admit they got that wrong and revisit the legislation.

“Poverty levels are soaring in Scotland’s private rented sector as rent themselves reach new highs. Scottish Labour would ban rip off rent rises in the private sector. When we proposed this in the Scottish Parliament the SNP voted with the Tories to block our plans.

“Scottish Labour wants to see a welfare state with dignity at its heart. That is why we offered applicants to the Scottish Welfare Fund the option of cash payments. Instead the SNP blocked our plans and made vulnerable Scots rely on vouchers.

“Low income families in Scotland deserve better than a Tory Government determined to cut and an SNP Government in Edinburgh who are more concerned with the powers Scotland doesn't have than using the ones it does to help working Scots.”