Glasgow University Hosts Kennedy Memorial

Published 18th Jun 2015

Political leaders have joined friends and family of former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy at a special service to honour his life.

The University of Glasgow, where Mr Kennedy studied and later served as rector, organised the memorial to pay tribute to their former student.

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie and Scottish Secretary David Mundell were among the congregation, along with former Lib Dem leader Menzies Campbell, Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and former Scottish Labour leaders Iain Gray and Johann Lamont.

Mr Kennedy's partner, Carole MacDonald, also attended, along with former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell, a close friend of the former MP who lost his seat at the House of Commons in last month's general election.

The father-of-one died suddenly earlier this month at the age of 55. He had suffered a major haemorrhage as a result of a long battle with alcoholism.

Mr Kennedy studied politics and philosophy at the university, graduating with an MA (Hons) in 1982. He also sharpened his renowned debating skills there, before being elected to Westminster the following year.

The politician received an honorary doctorate from the university in 2001 and was later elected rector in 2008, holding the position for six years.

He became the first Glasgow rector to be re-elected for a second term since former prime minister Benjamin Disraeli in the 1870s.

Tributes have poured in from all parts of the university community since Mr Kennedy died at his home in Fort William on June the 1st.