Ginno & Grace visit Battle of Culloden exhibition

The Highland Archive Centre his hosting a “The Jacobites & Battle of Culloden” display in the run up to the 270th anniversary of the battle.

Published 14th Apr 2016

By Ginno & Grace

We were down at the Highland Archive Centre in Inverness this week to check out their “The Jacobites & Battle of Culloden” display in the run up to the 270th anniversary of the battle this Saturday.

There’s loads of interesting things for you to see and learn about, and the archivist who was our guide, Peter showed us something that was very interesting

This got Archibald Chisholm into a bit of trouble and he had to suffer the consequences of the time:

Wow! Really interesting stuff and that ban on wearing Highland Dress was held for about 40 years.

On Friday there are opening up all the archives to the public and it’s definitely worth your time to walk around and soak up all the historic stuff on show including documents relating to the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion & showing the family trees of some of the key players of the times including the Duke of Cumberland

You can head down to the Archive Centre between 2 and 4pm.