Garmouth girl makes mammoth charity effort

Get your votes in for Lucy ahead of the Scottish Charity Awards 2016

Published 6th May 2016

Lucy Lintott was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) in 2013 at the age of just 19. She is the youngest person in Scotland living with the progressive terminal illness. But Despite receiving such devastating news, she's raised £105,000.

"For each patient it's different and for me it started in my left hand with it gradually becoming weak" explains Lucy. "I'd been working as a waitress and it became hard to carry plates. It went to my right foot and I started to walk like a drunk, a bit stumbly and I'd fall over, and I just felt I was becoming a bit clumsy" "My speech started to become a bit blurred, but it was my Mum and Dad who noticed it, as I'd been over in Idaho doing Camp America as a camp counselor" "They FaceTimed me and noticed how bad my speech was and it was getting worse. When I came home I had a bit of a funky walk, slurred speech and then my right hand started to be affected" "I went to the doctor in Glasgow, where I'd been studying on my business course, and I'd been going back and forth and I'd had blood tests, and then I was sent to see a neurologist" "He asked me about my symptoms, took more blood tests, and my neurologist did an examination and then the next day I had a voicemail asking me to call him as soon as possible" Worried about her condition, doctors carried out more tests, including an MRI, before diagnosing motor neurone disease. Lucy describes the moment doctors broke the news to her:- Lucy has inspired politicians, business leaders, and the Scottish public to join her fight to find a cure so that future generations may be free of this cruel disease. Lucy created a ‘bucket list’ of experiences she aims to complete, “Sharing my story has allowed me to do some incredible things. I’ve raised over £100,000 for MND Scotland, walked The Speyside Way, scuba-dived, flown a plane, spoken to an audience of 1,000 ….… and still only 21!" You can vote until the 13th of May for Lucy in the People’s Choice Award HERE