Further airport strikes on the radar across the north

Prospect union members reject the latest pay offer from HIAL

Further action is set across 10 North airports next month including in Inverness
Published 28th Jun 2019

North air traffic controllers have rejected a revised pay offer following a ballot of Prospect union members.

They had suspended their work-to-rule action following further dialogue with Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd (HIAL).

At the conclusion of the vote - with union members holding out for a 10% increase - again the action will now resume on Saturday.

HIAL MD Inglis Lyon said: “We are obviously disappointed that our latest offer has been rejected, despite enhancing our formal offer following last-minute discussions with Prospect"

“It is unfortunate that the industrial action has been reinstated during the peak holiday period and I would like to apologise in advance to our passengers, customers and local communities for the disruption this will inevitably cause"

Union negotiations officer David Avery said: "Prospect will meet with representatives on Monday to consider the ballot result prior to a meeting with HIAL on Thursday the 4th of July to try and resolve this dispute and reach an offer which is acceptable."

A 24-hour strike last month disrupted operations at Inverness, Dundee, Kirkwall, Stornoway, Benbecula, and Sumburgh.

Highland MSP Edward Mountain said: "There must be a resolution to this, but the Scottish Government are pulling the strings - although they're not in the room for these meetings - and there can't be a conclusion until that's resolved"

Mr Mountain also feels at the threat of Highland travellers being disrupted, Transport Secretary Michael Matheson should make this his priority before the summer recess.

"Not only does he need to take a lead on this, he needs to set an example and get in the room and talk to the people"

"There are a lot of Highlanders who'll be wanting to get away, if politicians don't want to be seen as remote, they should be on the front line trying to solve problems"

"He's instrumental in getting this fixed and I believe he should be doing that and not going away on holiday"