Free children's clubs in empty schools 'could reduce attainment gap'

A project which set up free children's clubs in empty schools over the summer holidays could play a "key role" in tackling inequality, campaigners have said.

Published 3rd Aug 2016

A project which set up free children's clubs in empty schools over the summer holidays could play a "key role" in tackling inequality, campaigners have said.

Children in Scotland set up the Food, Families, Futures (FFF) programme in two Glasgow primaries over the month of July, in a bid to help families who struggle in the break when children no longer receive free school meals.

The charity said it has already been "overwhelmingly popular" with local families, and it could help tackle inequality and reduce Scotland's attainment gap if it is expanded.

As well as providing lunches the projects, at Dalmarnock and Ibrox primary schools, gave local youngsters the chance to take part in a range of activities.

A total of 80 children applied for 50 places at the Dalmarnock Primary scheme, with 60 registering for 40 places at Ibrox Primary.

Jackie Brock, chief executive of Children in Scotland, said: "For some families, particularly those who receive free school meals, the school holidays can be a struggle. It's not just the inevitable increase in the food bill but the pressures associated with finding appropriate childcare and activities for their children.

"These are all issues that exacerbate inequality. Schools are already at the heart of their communities and at the heart of supporting local families. This year, they have remained open and continued this right through the summer holidays.

"We believe keeping more schools open, free of charge, during the holidays could play a key role in tackling Scotland's inequality challenge and be at the forefront of measures to reduce the attainment gap."

The head teachers of the two schools gave the scheme their backing, with Nancy Clunie from Dalmarnock Primary saying: "The support shown for this project by the families is testament to the central role that schools can play in providing support for their local communities. Everyone involved has had a great deal of fun, made new friends and learnt new things."

Ibrox Primary head Fiona Young said: "We were overwhelmed by the popularity of the holiday club. It is the first time that we have run something like this and hope that it is something that can be continued and built upon."

The FFF project has been set up by Children in Scotland in partnership with Business in the Community Scotland and food supplier Brakes.

Mark Bevan, Business in the Community Scotland's operations director, said: "The opportunities created by the Food, Families, Futures programme have clearly been greatly welcomed by the participants in Glasgow this summer. It is not acceptable that children are failing in school because we are failing to feed them properly. Scotland could lose the future economic contribution of 200,000 children who, for want of decent nutrition, will struggle, through no fault of their own or their family, to contribute to a more prosperous Scotland.

"Business in the Community Scotland is proud to be the convening power of this initiative between the third sector and business to unlock the education, employment and enterprise potential of our disadvantaged communities, encouraging business to play its powerful role as a positive force for change."

Ken McMeikan, Brakes Group chief executive, said: "Our Meals & More programme is designed to help alleviate child poverty by providing tasty, nutritious food in the days not covered by free school meals, and by creating a level of support and community spirit at a local level."

He added that the company worked with suppliers and partners to "facilitate food clubs" and said: "We will continue to meet with our partners each year to look at bringing even more clubs to other parts of the country."