Former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale paid £70,000 for I'm a Celeb appearance

Published 12th Jan 2018

It's been revealed that former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale was paid £70,000 for her appearance on I'm a Celebrity.

After tax, she's taken home around £45,000.

The Lothian MSP's decision to take part in the reality show proved a controversial one as it kept her away from parliament for 3 weeks.

She'd been refused permission to go from her party.

Ms Dugdale's also announced plans to donate £7,500 to charity.

She said: “I’m pleased that a number of charities which do amazing work across Scotland will benefit financially from this. I'm delighted to be back in the Parliament serving my constituents across the Lothians.

"I held more than 30 surgeries across the region in 2017 and I will continue to be an open and accessible MSP throughout 2018 and beyond. I also look forward to developing a number of campaigns around the Year of Young People in 2018."