WATCH: Flu cases in Scotland double in a year

Half of cases included strains not covered by 2017/18 vaccine.

Published 4th Jan 2018
Last updated 5th Jan 2018

"This is contributing to a big rise in demand for NHS services that staff are responding to" - HEALTH SECRETARY SHONA ROBISON

The number of people suffering from flu has more than doubled compared to the same period last year, increasing pressure on hospitals, new figures show.

Around 46 Scots in every 100,000 were suffering from the virus during the last week in December 2017, up from 22 in every 100,000 for the same week in 2016, according to latest Health Protection Scotland (HPS) data.

Early testing also found that just over half of the circulating strains of flu match those in the 2017/18 vaccine.

The HPS report also highlights that around half of NHS Boards are reporting significant ward pressure as a result of the virus.

A&E attendance in week ending December 24 was up almost 20% on the same period the previous year, while the Scottish Ambulance Service and NHS 24 also reported rises in call volume

Health Minister Shona Robison said: "Health staff across Scotland are dedicated to helping patients and are doing a fantastic job in difficult circumstances.

"These figures show once again the challenges they are tackling.

"So far the vaccine is proving to be effective against the most commonly encountered flu strains this season although it is still too early to have a complete picture, but there's no doubt that the increase in cases, particularly affecting people with complex and multiple conditions, is putting increased pressure on our systems.

"This is contributing to a big rise in demand for NHS services that staff are responding to."

She added: "Our £22.4million winter funding, the highest amount in any one year, will continue to be invested in boards throughout winter to help them cope with pressures.

"Scottish Government ministers, clinicians and senior officials are continuing to monitor the situation closely and keep in contact with boards to fully understand and assist with the pressures they are under."

On Wednesday it emerged that NHS Lanarkshire is redeploying office staff to help at hospitals and GP surgeries amid soaring demand for A&E services across the country.

The health board is also one of several across Scotland that has been forced to temporarily postpone elective or non-urgent procedures due to the increased pressure on services.

Ms Robison said: "It is important for patients to be aware that while health boards continue to take all appropriate steps to respond to increased demand in line with their winter plans - which may include some deferral of non-urgent elective surgery - there is no blanket cancellation of non-urgent elective procedures for the month of January as is the case in England.

"The public can also support our NHS staff by following the sensible health advice that is available through NHS Inform."

Across Scotland, 26,569 people visited A&E in the week ending December 24, up almost 20% or more than 4,000 attendances on the same week in 2016.

Scottish Ambulance Service Control Centres received 2,565 calls between 7pm on December 31 and 7am on January 1, an increase of 38.4% compared to the same time the previous year.

NHS 24 received more than 45,000 calls in the four days over Christmas, almost double the number of calls in the same period the year before.