Five reasons why the clocks going forward is a good thing

MFR's Jodie takes a look at why we should still be happy about losing an hour this weekend.

Published 24th Mar 2016

British Summer Time starts this weekend (yay!) but it does mean one less cosy hour under the duvet (boo!). MFR's Jodie takes a look at why we should still be happy about it.

The clocks for forward at 2am this Sunday which means we can look forward to lighter evenings and brighter mornings until October.

If you’re lucky enough to have Easter Monday off you’re already winning! You can just hit snooze on your alarm and forget all about the hour if you’ve lost.

Here are a few reasons why it’s not the worst thing though:

Brighter mornings

Yes, you lose and hour in bed and it’s rubbish but you’ll be more inclined to get up and at ‘em if the sun is peeking through your curtains in the morning. Embrace the extra vitamin D and get productive.


Here in the North of Scotland we’re always on the lookout for an excuse to BBQ in the summer, so an extra hour of daylight is just another great reason to get a £3.50 grill from your local garage and get all Gordon Ramsey on the burgers. Just mind and pack your thermals.

The great outdoors

In winter you’re more inclined to get straight into your PJs as soon as you get in the door so you should absolutely take advantage of the lighter nights and get out and inhale some fresh Highland air. Take an evening stroll with an ice cream along Cullen Beach, go Nessie spotting on the shores of Loch Ness or capture the stunning views from the top of Craigellachie.

Countdown to festival season

nothing screams summer nights quite like jumping up and down in a field to some live music, and the big one here in the North is Belladrum. Acts including Madness and the Darkness will entertain thousands of revellers at the Tartan Heart near Beauly in August.

It’s good for kids

Scientists say kids become 20% more active on summer days which can only be a boost to their health. All this extra activity will surely just tire them out meaning an easier bedtime for Mum and Dad.

Don't forget that clocks go forward by 1 hour at 2am on Sunday 27th March.