#firstworldproblems: North of Scotland edition

If your friends are anything like ours then the hashtag #firstworldproblems will make a regular appearance on your timeline.

Published 1st Aug 2016

If your friends are anything like ours then the hashtag #firstworldproblems will make a regular appearance on your timeline.

Here are some of our favourites from the North of Scotland, which prove that the struggle is real in the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire.

We really wouldn't like to be the ones to get between Fiona and her daily sugar fix.

C'mon, ScotRail, do you really expect **Raemond** to sit on a train all the way to Aberdeen without his free coffee and shortbread?

Erin knows the craic here. It tastes TOTALLY different out of a bottle.

Don't worry, Nathan, there are plenty of places to eat here that they don't have. Bet they've never been to Castle Street Restaurant.

This could be the biggest decision of Soraya's day and is not to be taken lightly.

If you think you're having a bad day, count yourself lucky that you're not experiencing one of these #firstworldproblems.

Images © iStock; Tweets by @fionamilligan, @RaeJappy, @erin_s_white, @NathanMackenz1 and @sorayaleila.