Exports roadshow to tour Scotland with business advice

Businesses across Scotland are to be offered free advice on exporting.

Published 3rd Aug 2016

Businesses across Scotland are to be offered free advice on exporting.

The Exporting is Great roadshow will offer firms support to grow overseas as it travels around the country between August 23 and September 8.

The event is run by councils and the Export Hub, a UK Government initiative backed by the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Scottish Council for Development and Industry.

UK Government minister Andrew Dunlop said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for Scottish firms to get the support they need to start exporting and grow their businesses.

"The Exporting is Great roadshow is taking the message to businesses right across Scotland that the demand for their products and services is there, as is the help they need to make exporting happen. It is a great example of the UK and Scottish governments working together for businesses in Scotland."

Neil Francis, director of international operations at Scottish Enterprise, added: "Scotland exports roughly £27.5 billion of goods to countries around the world every year, and there is every opportunity to increase this as companies learn how straightforward and beneficial to their businesses exporting can be.

"Exporting presents an opportunity for businesses of every size, and in almost every industry, to take their growth to the next level."

Businesses can find out more at www.scottish-enterprise.com/exporthubtour.