Elgin fountain set to flow forth once again

Iconic centre-piece set for renovation works

Elgin's fountain in the centre of town in front of St Giles
Published 29th Aug 2017

A loan from Moray Council will provide the means to restore the fountain on Elgin’s Plainstones. Money will go from the local authority and will be paid back from the Elgin Common Good fund, with the support of Elgin Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS).

The move – backed by all Elgin ward councillors – will see the advance from the Moray Council settled over the next three years.

The loan was agreed by members of Moray Council’s Policy & Resources committee.

A preliminary offer for £27,000 towards the restoration costs has already been made by the CARS. The council’s loan of £18,000, along with some funding currently held in the Common Good Fund, will provide the balance.

Chair of the committee, Councillor George Alexander, said the B-listed fountain, which was built in 1844, was an important landmark to restore.

“The fountain on the Plainstones has stood for almost 200 years and is a significant part of Elgin High Street’s history. This investment will ensure it’s standing for many more years to come and will continue to be an attraction to visitors .”

MFR News asked if the restored fountain would provide a vandalism target, as had been the case in the past, with detergents for example:

"If the threat of vandalism was a reason not to do this, then we'd live in a very bare world", said Mr Alexander.

"I would like to think that people would show it respect when it's restored, and those who don't, I'm sure the CCTV cameras would pick them up"