Eight men arrested as police continue crackdown on violent crime in the North East

Police have made eight further arrests in a targeted crackdown on violent crime in the north east of Scotland.

Published 6th Jul 2016

Police have made eight further arrests in a targeted crackdown on violent crime in the north east of Scotland.

Fifty people have now been arrested by officers as part of Operation Pine.

The latest phase, launched on July 1, has seen eight men arrested in connection with separate serious assaults.

Last month, 42 men and women aged between 16 and 54 were charged as the initiative focused on incidents of domestic abuse.

Sergeant Mike Stobie, from the region's alcohol and violence reduction unit (DAVRU), said violence in any shape or form will not be tolerated.

He said: "I cannot stress enough the effects violent crime can have on victims and their families.

"Operation Pine serves to strengthen our commitment to tackling violence and community officers, detectives and dedicated DAVRU officers are located right across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray ensuring support for communities and their vulnerable people.

"The success we are having in tackling violent crime is thanks to the support we get from the local communities and victims who put their trust in police to report offenders.

"I would encourage people to continue providing us with information about violence so that we can take action quickly and effectively."