Economic partnership to lead in Kinloss Barracks campaign

An expanded Moray Economic Partnership will take the lead role in any campaign to save Kinloss Barracks should it be earmarked for closure.

Published 19th Aug 2016

An expanded Moray Economic Partnership will take the lead role in any campaign to save Kinloss Barracks should it be earmarked for closure.

The partnership was founded as a result of the Ministry of Defence’s threat to close both RAF Kinloss – as it then was – and neighbouring RAF Lossiemouth in 2010.

In the event Lossiemouth was retained while RAF Kinloss closed, with the site being taken over by the Army four years ago since when it has been home to 39 Engineer Regiment.

A fresh question mark has been placed over Kinloss once again after it emerged that the MoD was in the process of reviewing its infrastructure, although it has stressed that no decision has been taken on the future of the barracks.

Moray councillors today agreed that the Moray Economic Partnership should take the lead as the situation develops and that its membership should be extended to include cross-party and local community representation.

Council convener Allan Wright said it was understood that an announcement would be made by the MoD next month but it was not known what it might say – if anything – about Kinloss.

“However, we are better prepared than most, having been in a similar situation less than six years ago,” said Councillor Wright.

“As on that occasion, we as a council, together with our community planning partners, will do everything possible to retain Kinloss Barracks should any tangible threat to its future emerge.

“In that event, we would hope for the same level of community support that was demonstrated in 2010, something that was hugely influential in saving RAF Lossiemouth.”

Councillor Gary Coull, leader of the SNP opposition group, and Labour group leader Councillor John Divers, both pledged their backing for any campaign to save Kinloss and to support the Moray Economic Partnership in its efforts.