Drivers In The North Urged To Look-Out For Deer

Drivers in the North are being urged to be on the lookout for deer on the roads today.

Published 25th Oct 2015

Drivers in the North are being urged to be on the lookout for deer on the roads today.

Scottish Natural Heritage says the risk of accidents involving deer and vehicles increases as the clocks for back.

The change means rush-hour traffic will now coincide with the time deer emerge to feed on grass verges near roadsides.

More than 7,000 collisions occur between vehicles and deer every year in Scotland according to SNH.

Highlands & Islands MSP David Stewart said “ An average of 65 injury collisions occur each year relating to deer on the road. The estimated economic impact of vehicle damage and injuries is said to be £7 million.

“With this in mind I urge the travelling public to be aware of the possible dangers of deer collision whilst travelling on our rural roads and in an effort to help, I have produced a five point plan.”