Dingwall pubs linked with 20 COVID-19 cases

NHS Highland say they're linked to either The Mallard or Oscars

Dr McMahon expressed his condolences to people who lost loved ones during the pandemic
Published 30th Dec 2020

20 cases of coronavirus have now been linked to two Ross-shire pubs, following last week's confirmation of an outbreak.

Both premises closed voluntarily and contact tracing is underway.

In addition to advice issued last week, customers who visited the pubs between December 18th and December 24th are being told to "remain vigilant for the symptoms of COVID-19."

An NHS Highland statement said: " The typical symptoms of COVID-19 are:

• a new continuous cough and/or

• a high temperature or fever

• a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

"However, people with COVID-19 can present with a wide range of symptoms including headache, sore muscles and joints, tiredness, sore throat, cold-like symptoms and diarrhoea and vomiting.

"Anyone that becomes unwell should isolate immediately and seek a test.

"Additionally, whilst we would not normally advise testing of people without symptoms, given the high number of cases linked to the outbreak, we would advise all customers who visited the premises between the dates above to get a test for COVID-19 in addition to remaining vigilant for symptoms.

"If symptoms were to develop at a later point, you should seek a further test.

"We would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone across Highland that we are seeing a significant increase in cases across the Highlands and that whilst we understand the desire to do so, you should not meet anyone who is not in your household indoors in your home or in their home.

"Everyone should continue to adhere to physical distancing guidelines, wear a face-covering when in enclosed spaces, clean your hands and surfaces regularly and immediately self-isolate and seek a test if you develop symptoms."