"Deficiencies" found in Cairngorm funicular

The report says UK's highest railway needs several parts strengthened

The funicular on the Cairngorms has been out of action since last year
Published 22nd Nov 2019

A damning report on the Cairngorm Funicular railway has revealed its 'poor' condition and 'deficiencies.'

Engineers explained work to strengthen the piers, beams and foundations is required on the railway which has been shut since last year.

A report from Highlands and Islands Enterprise said a 'full structural investigation' has been carried out.

HIE said: 'The inspections were carried out by engineering firm ADAC, and concluded that the general condition was poor for a structure of its age, with widespread minor deficiencies.

'The second report highlighted the need for a full structural investigation, which has since been carried out by specialist engineering firm, COWI, peer reviewed by Mott MacDonald.

'This confirmed that work was required to strengthen the piers, beams and foundations, and that new sliding bearings with higher load and movement capacity should be installed.'