David Mundell Named Scottish Secretary

The man who has been Scotland's sole Tory MP at Westminster for the last 10 years has been appointed Scottish Secretary.

Published 11th May 2015

The man who has been Scotland's sole Tory MP at Westminster for the last 10 years has been appointed Scottish Secretary.

As Prime Minister David Cameron completed his post-election cabinet reshuffle, he confirmed David Mundell had been given the post.

The Conservative MP, who has represented Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale at Westminster since 2005, had served as Scotland Office Minister in the coalition government, with Liberal Democrat Alistair Carmichael having the more senior cabinet-level post.

But with the Conservatives winning an unexpected majority in last week's general election, Mr Mundell has now been promoted.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson welcomed the appointment, saying:

First, let me give my heartiest congratulations to David on being made Secretary of State for Scotland.

I am absolutely delighted at the decision by the Prime Minister to promote him.

At a momentous time in our politics we need calm and experienced leadership, and that is exactly what David will bring to this post.''

Mr Mundell had served as an MSP at Holyrood between 1999 and 2005, when he was elected to Westminster.

Ms Davidson said that having worked extensively at both legislatures meant he was quite simply the right man for the job''.

She added: He will ensure that Scotland's two governments work well with each other and always in a spirit of mutual respect and co-operation.

David has been a brilliant MSP and MP for his constituents over the last 16 years and he will now take that same dedication and tireless advocacy to the cabinet table.''