'Not credible' for May's government to negotiate Brexit, says Sturgeon

The First Minister said a UK-wide consensus should be adopted for the Brexit talks

Published 12th Jun 2017

Nicola Sturgeon has questioned the UK Government's ability to negotiate Brexit as she called for talks to be paused following the election.

After Theresa May saw her majority wiped out in last week's vote, the Scottish First Minister said a UK-wide consensus should be adopted for the Brexit talks to allow the devolved governments a greater say.

Membership of the European single market and the customs union must be at the heart of a new approach, with an immediate guarantee for the rights of EU nationals living in the UK, she said.

Her party won 35 seats in last week's General Election, down 21 from 2015.

Speaking to reporters as the SNP's new parliamentary group met at Westminster, Ms Sturgeon said a hard Brexit was “no longer viable” and urged ministers to change their approach.

She said: “The idea that the UK led by this Prime Minister and this Government can just blunder into negotiations starting one week today, I just don't think it's a credible proposition.''

Speculation has been rife in Westminster that the State Opening of Parliament could be delayed after the Prime Minister's official spokesman declined to confirm it would go ahead as scheduled on June 19.

Ms Sturgeon said: “Now that the Queen's Speech has been postponed, questions have been raised about what has been cooked up behind closed doors and is it possible for this Prime Minister - notwithstanding what she said on Friday - to put together a Government that is functional and sustainable.

“It is an opportunity, perhaps - I know the arithmetic, I am not blind to the hurdles - but it perhaps means an opportunity for a progressive alternative to a Tory/DUP government.”

Calls to keep Scotland in the single market have previously been rejected by the UK Government, prompting Ms Sturgeon to demand a second Scottish independence referendum when the Brexit process was triggered in March.

She has admitted the issue of another independence ballot was a factor in last Thursday's vote, and said the party will reflect on its plans amid calls for it to be taken off the table.

She has turned her focus to the UK's Brexit approach as political leaders including Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson call for more consensus.

The SNP's proposals include the involvement of the devolved governments in the negotiations, and a cross-party advisory group to be set up with representatives from the devolved administrations, to agree a new position for the UK and oversee the talks.

Speaking on Saturday, Ms Davidson said: “I want to ensure that we can look again at issues like Brexit which we know we are now going to have to get cross-party support for. And move to a consensus within the country about what it means and what we seek to achieve as we leave.”

Mrs May's official spokesman said: “We gave a commitment right at the very outset of this process to consult with the devolved administrations and that remains the case.”