Covid-19 deaths in Scotland rise by 16

Published 23rd May 2020

The number of confirmed coronavirus deaths in Scotland has risen to 2,261, according to the latest figures.

It marks an increase of 16 on the previous day when the figure was 2,245.

The Health Protection Scotland statistics also indicate 15,041 people have now tested positive for the virus north of the border, up by 72 from 14,969 on Friday.

As of Friday night there were 841 cases in hospital following a positive test, with 36 of those in intensive care along with another 14 in intensive care with suspected Covid-19.

In comparison, at the First Minister's briefing on Friday, there were a total of 1,257 patients in hospital with coronavirus - 874 of them have been confirmed as having the virus and 383 suspected.

Greater Glasgow and Clyde continues to be the health board with the most confirmed cases (3,865) and had 379 people in hospital as of midnight.

There have been 2,649 cases in Lothian, with 162 in hospital, and 1,645 cases in Tayside where there are just 13 people in hospital.

On May 22 there were 484 adult care homes with a current case of suspected Covid-19, nearly half of the country's total (45%).

The number of cumulative cases of suspected coronavirus in care homes is 5,593 - up 61 from Friday.