Compromise sought with shooters in Findhorn Bay

Threat to wildfowl highlighted by conservationists

Published 2nd Mar 2016

MSP David Stewart has become involved in the on going issue with wildfowling in Findhorn Bay.

"I have been contacted by constituents on both sides of the on going debate" said the Highlands & Islands MSP. "There is the group 'Friends of Findhorn Bay' who want an outright ban on shooting in the bay area. However, in order to counter the action, the Findhorn Bay Local Nature Reserve Committee made the initial approach to Moray Council to consider a permit system and introduction of a Warden to regulate the shooters, rather than a total ban" Louis Bezuidenhout of 'Friends of Findhorn Bay' says that the main issue is that shooting is going on throughout the whole year without restriction - likewise the areas where shooting takes place are not restricted either. "The migratory birds come here, like the whooper swans and the geese. Shooting has always taken place here but it's right on our doorstep. It's not like it's a remote area where people don't hear or see it" "If there can be certain areas and times when people know that shooting is not taking place, I think that sort of compromise is possible"

But Mr Bezuidenhout says there was one incident which highlights the need for tighter regulation with a woman and her 9-year-old grandson coming within 50 yards of some shooters. "It is a very unfortunate and traumatic incident. It is a possiblity in the economic climate that they (Moray Council) would not be able to employ a warden to patrol the area. However if they could improve the situation - even if we don't have an ideal solution - it may help in some way"

At their last meeting, the Community Council said they wouldn't support the call for a total ban either, and have decided instead to support any moves to introduce a permit. Mr Stewart said, "There has always to be balance in these kind of issues and I have taken the time to find out what happens in other areas. I understand that on the Wigtown Bay Local Nature Reserve for example, the local Council have introduced a byelaw and permit system to manage wildfowling there. It appears that the system works well, with season permit holders also having to volunteer as Wardens to police the sport. There are strict guidelines for wildfowlers to follow and all permit holders require to have their own third party insurance in place."

"If this system is already working well in other parts of Scotland, then I see no reason why it should not be tried here in Moray." "I have heard comment that the costs of introducing such a system will be too high, but surely these costs can be off set by the purchase of permits or even a one off introductory payment, plus permit fee. I am sure responsible wildfowlers would support this action. At the same time I would hope that those wishing an outright ban would see there has been compromise and a better management system introduced should improve the current system."

"I will be writing to Moray Council on this issue and in support of a permit system."