Charity walkers get stuck overnight on mountain with no compass or map

A charity walk by three men from Fife took a turn for the worse after they got lost in the mist.

Published 26th May 2018
Last updated 26th May 2018

A mountain recovery team are experiencing a spike in call outs in the last 24 hours after responding to three different rescues.

The Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team and theCoast Guard helisopter were called out at 2am to help the three walker who had become disoriented in the dark and mist after an evening ascent of Ben Macdui.

The trio had set off with a map, compass or torch.

The helicopter dropping through a gap in the could to pick up the party.

This was the third rescue of the day for the helicopter and the CMRT, after a walker who took a tumble in a very remote location on Ben Alder, immediately followed by a diversion to assist a walker with an injured leg on Cairngorm, whilst they were still in the air.

The three rescues followed on from the start of summertime rescues that have also seen a parapont incident on Beinn a Clachair and a walker overdue having been blown over on Braeriach.