Caithness Wind Farm Plans Rejected

The Scottish Government has rejected the 24 turbine scheme at Reay.

Published 13th Jul 2015

The Scottish Government has rejected plans for a major wind farm in Caithness.

24 turbines were proposed in the Limekiln scheme near Reay.

It comes after a Public Local Inquiry also knocked back the development.

Energy Minister FerguS Ewing said: “Each application is considered on its merits which is why I have refused permission for the proposed wind farm at Limekiln in line with the Reporter’s recommendation.”

Helen McDade, Head of Policy for the John Muir Trust said: “As someone who grew up in Caithness, I am delighted for the local community which campaigned strongly to prevent the unique character of this landscape.

“But this is also a landmark decision of national significance. The refusal explicitly states that ‘significant weight should be attached to the policies protecting wild land’.

Developer Infinergy says it will consider its options and may seek judicial review.