Businesses urged to take action to counter cyber breaches

Consumers worry about which businesses have access to their data, research reveals.

Published 8th May 2016

More than 80% of Scottish consumers worry about which businesses have access to their data and whether their details are protected, research has revealed.

The Cyber Breaches Security Survey, carried out by Ipsos Mori for the UK Government, found two thirds of large British businesses have experienced a cyber attack or breach in the last 12 months - one in four of which were attacked at least once a month.

Four out of five Scottish consumers told researchers that hearing about security breaches via media, friends or family makes them concerned about the safety of their information.

A total of 84% are concerned about which businesses have access to their data and whether it is safe but only 2% of the businesses and organisations across the UK which have signed up to a free government cyber safety scheme are from Scotland.

More than half (53%) of small businesses in Scotland think it is unlikely or very unlikely they would be a target for an attack and only 23% feel completely prepared one, with 19% saying they have not taken any steps to protect their data.

Results from the survey have been released alongside the Government's Cyber Governance Health Check - which was launched following the TalkTalk cyber attack in October 2015.

Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey urged businesses to take steps to better protect themselves, saying: The UK is a world-leading digital economy and this Government has made cyber security a top priority.

Too many firms are losing money, data and consumer confidence with the vast number of cyber attacks. It's absolutely crucial businesses are secure and can protect data.

As a minimum, companies should take action by adopting the Cyber Essentials scheme which will help them protect themselves.''

Findings show that in some cases the cost of cyber breaches and attacks on businesses in the UK reached millions, and that almost half of the top FTSE 350 businesses regarded this as the biggest threat.

It was also revealed that seven out of 10 attacks on all UK firms involved viruses, spyware or malware, which could have been prevented, and how only a fifth of businesses have a clear view of the dangers of sharing information with third parties.

Over the next five years the Government has pledged to invest ÂŁ1.9 billion to tackle and prevent the crime, as well as creating a new National Cyber Security Centre to offer security support.