Balls To Promise Fairer Economy

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls will visit Scotland today to insist that the election in 10 days time is a choice between the road to another referendum with the SNP or the road to a fairer economy with Labour.

Published 27th Apr 2015

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls will visit Scotland today to insist that the election in 10 days time is a choice between the road to another referendum with the SNP or the road to a fairer economy with Labour.

But SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon will accuse Labour and the other Westminster parties of using the politics of fear and division in a panicked attempt to secure a majority government in the face of a multi-party threat.

Elsewhere, former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy will visit East Dunbartonshire to outline the stark choice facing voters in 11 Liberal Democrat seats between hard-working local champions like Jo Swinson and the SNP''.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson will champion the cause of children with the party's young people spokeswoman Liz Smith on a campaign trip to Crieff.

Speaking ahead of a visit to Kilmarnock, Ms Sturgeon said: As we enter the final 10 days of the election campaign, it is clear that the Westminster parties have hit the panic button.

Instead of embracing the multi-party election that the public want, Labour and the Tories are clinging to the idea that they are entitled to a majority in Westminster - which every poll indicates isn't going to happen.

The reality is that this is the people's election, and voters do not appear to trust either party with a majority. The SNP is being open and honest about our position, that we will work to keep the Tories out and to keep Labour honest.

Labour would never be forgiven if they let the Tories back in in preference to working with the SNP.''

Speaking ahead of a visit to a nursery in Crieff, Ms Smith said: Childcare is a very important issue for parents across Scotland.

It is not just about increasing the number of hours available free of charge, but ensuring that there is much greater flexibility of use so that it suits parents' working patterns as well as meeting the best educational interests of the children.''