Aviemore campaign group reject mountain coaster plans

The Campaign for a Better Cairngorm want to prioritise outdoor activities for summer tourists.

Published 2nd Jul 2019

A Mountain Coaster was one of many suggestions made by HIE to revamp tourism in the Cairngorms and boost summer visitors.

It is after the Funicular Railway closed last October due to safety concerns, and a poor winter saw tourism fall in the area, affecting local businesses and the economy.

Plans by HIE focus on boosting summer visitors to help support the struggling winter season, including the plans for the Mountain Coaster.

But a group of locals have created Campaign for a Better Cairngorm to oppose some of the plans, as they feel it isn't the best fit for the area.

Paul Webster said: 'We think Cairngorm should be developed for the facilities that people actually want, and in winter that improved ski uplift, there's a crying demand for that even before the Funicular had its problems. But in the summer its a really important place for hillwalkers, climbers, and those just going to enjoy the view.

'It has been a bit of a millstone for the mountain, that it has sucked a lot of money out of skiing. It was intended to generate a profit that could fund skiing during bad years, but it hasn't, it has been so expensive to run that it's led to the core uplift policy which has led to lifts being removed from the mountain.

'We do accept that in the winter we do need a solution for skiiers, 20 years ago Cairngorm was by fair Scotland's premier ski resort and it's just fallen way down the order.

'The site is a mess, it's really badly maintained, a lot of what is there is really poorly sited, it is a bit of an eyesore.

We would like to see the site enhanced so there's much more natural environment there.'

A spokesperson for Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) said:

'Communities across Badenoch and Strathspey will shortly be invited to put forward their own views for the future of Cairngorm Mountain.

'HIE is currently preparing widespread engagement to give local people a genuine chance to shape a new Cairngorm masterplan.

'For Cairngorm Mountain to become a successful business, it cannot rely on winter customers alone.

'The concept of a mountain coaster has been put forward as one suggestion to attract more summer visitors and build a sustainable, year-round attraction.

'If it is decided to take the coaster idea forward, it will first need to be designed, then subject to a thorough planning process.

'HIE and Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Ltd (CMSL) are committed to restoring Cairngorm to its rightful place as a jewel in the crown of Scottish tourism.'