Alex Rowley resigns as Scottish Labour Party's Deputy Leader

Published 16th Dec 2017

The deputy leader of the Scottish Labour Party has stepped down from his role.

Alex Rowley released a statement following the outcome of a Labour investigation into claims of harassment made against him.

He said: `Today, I have informed Richard Leonard that I do not intend to resume the role of deputy leader of the Scottish Labour Party.

`I am pleased the panel has discharged the case which I referred to them, but I am disappointed that they were unable fully to investigate - and I to have the opportunity to answer - the allegations, which relate to the acrimonious end to a relationship nearly five years ago.

`This means the only opportunity to do so would have been through the media and I am not prepared to cause that distress to my family.

`I am in politics to fight for social, political and economic change to improve the lives of working people. I will continue that work as a Labour MSP for the region of Mid Scotland and Fife.'

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard said: `Following on from Alex Rowley's decision to resign from the position of deputy leader of the Scottish Labour Party, I have asked Lesley Laird to assume the position on an interim basis.

`I have spoken to Alex and for the sake of his family he has decided to step down from this important role.

`He informs me that it is a decision he made some time ago. He is a loyal and experienced member of the Labour Group in the Scottish Parliament and will continue to play a part in rebuilding the Labour Party in Scotland.'