Aid groups call on students experiencing domestic abuse to get support

Students who experience domestic abuse have been urged to seek support from women's aid groups as figures show the problem is on the increase.

Published 29th Nov 2016

Students who experience domestic abuse have been urged to seek support from women's aid groups as figures show the problem is on the increase.

NUS Scotland and Scottish Women's Aid (SWA) have joined forces to mark 16 days of action against gender violence.

Colleges and universities have been asked to make students aware of the support available from helplines and local women's aid groups across Scotland.

NUS Scotland women's officer Angela Alexander said support was available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

She said: Violence against women affects every corner of our society and women students are just as likely to experience abuse at the hands of a partner as anyone else.

In many cases, those experiencing violence or threatening behaviour may not know where to turn for help and support - and this is particularly the case for younger students.''

Scottish Government figures for 2015-16 showed there were 22,075 incidents of domestic abuse of women up to the age of 30. This figure is up 8.9% from 20,283 in 2014-15.

SWA warned the recording of domestic abuse as an incident'' does not take into account that it is experienced by women and children as a constant pattern of intimidation and control.

As part of the drive, NUS Scotland is forwarding posters and a helpline number to student associations in Scottish campuses.

It follows previous research by the union which found almost one in five college and university students have experienced some sort of sexual harassment during their first week of term.

Moves to address domestic abuse among female students have already been taken.

The Let's Talk initiative for reporting rape and making resources available to survivors has been launched at Glasgow University.

Glasgow Caledonian University, meanwhile, has set up a group to develop a university response to tackling violence against women and hate crime affecting students.

Earlier this year, the University of Strathclyde was awarded funding from the Scottish Government to develop a violence against women toolkit to help stop abusive behaviour at home, work or on campus.

Marsha Scott, of SWA, added: We've got better over the years at recognising physical violence as a real problem, but the way domestic abuse is experienced by women is so much more than hitting, and indeed physical violence may not feature at all - emotional, sexual and/or financial abuse in amongst intimidation and control are really common in domestic abuse.

We know there are students who are experiencing domestic abuse and we want to make sure that you know we are here for you too.''