Inspections on-going following Aberdeenshire floods

Banff among the worst hit with several bridges still getting checked

Heavy and prolonged rain over the weekend caused problems in several areas
Published 1st Oct 2019

Aberdeenshire Council says there will be a thorough analysis of the infrastructure failings following the weekend's downpour which hit roads and bridges around the North East.

Heavy rain led to many parts being severely flooded on Saturday, with Banff and the area to the south and east badly affected.

Several bridges are still being inspected, with the Local Authority shutting some roads, and warning drivers not to ignore signs.

As well as Banff, other areas badly affected include Fraserburgh, Turriff and Macduff.

Philip McKay, Head of Roads at Aberdeenshire Council said; 'Saturday was particularly bad, with significant rainfall over an intense period, however we have seven bridges washed away'

'We'll continue inspections as the water levels continue to drop, but if we can get a spell of half-decent weather that'll help us confirm that some of the other bridges are okay'

'What we'll aim to do over the next day or two is to get more detailed information around about any remaining road closures and how everyone can best navigate around'

'In the longer term, there'll be quite a long operation to review the failure of these seven bridges, as well as to re-design replacements'

'What we'll do as we'll look to prioritise works so that we can get the most important bridges back up and into operation first'