10 of the corniest food jokes

We love a 'corny' joke about food. In fact we were so hungry for more, we put together ten of our favourites...

Published 7th Sep 2015

We love a 'corny' joke about food. In fact we were so hungry for more, we put together ten of our favourites...

1. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese

2. Why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the casino? Because he was on a roll.

3. Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.

4. What do you get if you cross an apple with a shellfish? A crab apple.

5. Why doesn’t bread like warm weather? Things get toasty.

6. Why do Bananas wear suntan lotion? Because they are prone to peeling.

7. Why did the pig go into the kitchen? He felt like bacon.

8. What is a Cakes favourite song? Blue – All Rise.

9. What is an eggs least favourite day? Fry-day.

10. Why did the Oreo go to the dentist? It lost its filling.