£1.2m Scottish Government funding to help Comic Relief sports programme

The charity Comic Relief will use a funding boost of more than £1 million from the Scottish Government to help support women and girls in some of Africa's poorest countries.

Published 5th Jan 2017

The charity Comic Relief will use a funding boost of more than £1 million from the Scottish Government to help support women and girls in some of Africa's poorest countries.

Ministers are providing £1.2 million for the charity's international Sport for Change programme, which uses sport to help females reach their full potential.

Projects that aim to improve the confidence and self-esteem will be developed in Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda, with the money also contributing to efforts to reduce violence against women and girls.

International development minister Alasdair Allan said: "Empowering women and girls has a knock-on effect and helps drive up economic growth and development in some of the world's poorest countries.

"Our partnership with Comic Relief will use sport to help enable women and girls to reach their full potential in Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda.

"Comic Relief launched their application process today and I would encourage eligible organisations already working in this area to apply."